Once you finish your aligners treatment, the next stage is crucial to maintaining oral health. Aligners’ treatment can be more effective by properly caring for oral hygiene. Invisalign aligners align clear aligners and offer a wide range of discreet and comfortable alternatives to traditional braces, but it’s important to maintain good dental habits throughout the treatment process. From keeping your aligners clean to choosing the right toothbrush and flossing tools, we have all the tips and tricks to ensure your teeth stay healthy and beautiful while using Invisalign. However, these steps will help to keep your teeth looking their best and remain healthy for years! However, aligners for teeth give you a perfect smile. Also, a straight-teeth smile boosts confidence.
What is it and How Does it Work?
Align clear aligners requires you first to understand what Invisalign is! It is a series of transparent, removable braces that help Strengthen teeth without getting noticed. Aligners for teeth as compared to traditional braces, this transparent try of aligners keeps your confidence high during soil gathering. However, It’s important to note that Invisalign does not work for everyone. If you’re a suitable candidate for treatment, Invisalign can be an effective option for achieving straighter teeth. Before commencing the journey toward a clear smile aligner, the first step is to schedule an appointment with the dentist. Your dentist will help you to know whether aligners are effective for you. In this case, x-ray images of your teeth will be taken, which will help customize the treatment plan for you. Once your treatment plan is created, a person can see a virtual representation of how your teeth will look at each stage of treatment. This can help you understand how long treatment will take and what the final result will look like.
Tips for Maintaining Oral Hygiene while Using Invisalign
While wearing aligners for teeth, you must take extra care of your teeth and gums to prevent tooth decay and cavity issues. It helps teeth smile with utmost steam. In this regard, considering the following recommendation is necessary. Align clear aligners requires;
1. Brush Your Teeth
Brush your teeth at least twice a day – Once in the morning and once at night before you go to bed. Be sure to brush for two minutes each time.
2. Floss Your Teeth
Daily brushing is important to maintain good oral hygiene while using Invisalign. For this purpose, a person can use an interdental brush or a water flosser to clean between teeth and under aligners. Flossy daily to ensure there is no plaque in between your teeth
3. Rinse Your Mouth With Mouthwash
It helps to keep your mouth free from bacteria, leading to clean breathing. This will help kill any bacteria that brushing and flossing missed.
4. Visit Your Dentist
Visiting your dentist every six months would be a step in the right direction. Make sure to mention that you’re wearing Invisalign so they can give you specific instructions for taking care of your teeth during treatment. Also, it is recommended to Visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.
Common Problems with Oral Hygiene While Wearing Invisalign
Teeth smile with confidence and demand proper oral care. Neglecting hygiene care while wearing Invisalign is a recipe for disaster. Hence, undertaking full care is essential for effective treatment.
Here are some common problems in case of lack of effective oral care.
1. Plaque buildup in teeth:
If plaque is not removed, it can harden and turn into tartar. This can become a source of gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.
2. Staining of teeth
Neglecting flossing teeth leads to staining of teeth. Clear aligners can also cause staining in case of inappropriate cleaning.
3. Dry mouth
Wearing Invisalign can decrease saliva production, leading to a dry mouth. This can make removing food particles and bacteria from your teeth and gums difficult.
4. Gum infection
Gum disease and aligners can cause gum irritation if they are inappropriately fit.
5. Discoloration of tooth
If you don’t care for your teeth, the aligners can cause them to become discolored.
Brushing & Flossing Techniques for Invisalign Wearers
Proper dental health is easy with aligners, as they are not sharp. Following some tricks can help you in the process.
- Use a soft brush and ensure you properly brush inside your teeth and tongue, too.
- Electric toothbrushes have more advantages as they effectively remove plaque.
- Flossing with Invisalign differs from flossing with traditional metal braces. Once the floss is threaded under the aligner, you can move it up and down between your teeth like traditional braces.
- Rinse your mouth after bruising.
Proper oral hygiene while wearing is one of the most difficult tasks. However, ensuring that your teeth are healthy throughout the process is essential. As discussed above, the lack of effective oral health treatment causes many diseases and renders the effectiveness of aligners. You can easily clean your teeth with the right tricks and ensure effective oral health. Don’t forget to brush after every meal, floss regularly, and attend regular checkups with your dentist.